Mother’s Day Competition |
Competition type |
Game of Chance 🎲 |
Promoter Who’s running this comp (hint, it’s us…)? |
Good Goods Pty Ltd ACN 154 870 452 trading as Who Gives A Crap |
Supplier |
Ourselves! |
Competition Period When does this comp start and end? |
The Competition starts on Wednesday May 8, 2024, 8am AEST and Closes on Sunday May 12, 2024 11:59pm AEST (aka Mother’s Day) |
Entry restrictions? Who can enter? |
The Competition is open to all Australian and USA residents over 18 who meet the Eligibility Criteria and submit a Valid Entry. |
Entry Method How to enter the comp? |
During the Competition Period, entrants must:
Eligibility Criteria |
You’ll need to agree to sign a waiver in order to receive the prize |
Number of Entries |
Enter as many times as you like! |
Valid Entry |
Entries that meet the Entry Restrictions, Eligibility Criteria and are correctly submitted in line with the Entry Method during the Competition Period are valid entries that may participate in the Competition. |
Selection Details |
The random winner selection will happen on Monday May 13, 2024 at 9am AEST at The Commons, 54 Wellington St, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia.
Winner Notification |
We’ll notify winners by direct message (either on social media or email) on Monday May 13. |
Prize Claim Date |
Prizes must be claimed by Thursday May 16, 9am AEST or new winners will be selected. |
Unclaimed Prize Selection |
The unclaimed Prize selection will happen on Thursday May 16 at 12pm AEST at The Commons, 54 Wellington St, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia. Unclaimed Prize Winner Notification We’ll notify winners by direct message (either on social media or email) on Thursday May 16. |
How we’ll use your data |
See our Privacy Policy for more information about how we use and manage your personal information: |
Total Prize Pool |
AUD 3000 + USD 3000 |
Number of Winners |
Prize |
Prize Value |
Prize Conditions |
5 x Australian winners |
Tattoo Design and AU 600 cash towards getting the tattoo done |
5 x $600 AUD |
You will need to select one of three designs available, You’ll be required to sign a waiver |
5 x USA winners |
Tattoo Design and USD 600 cash towards getting the tattoo done |
5 x $600 USD |
You will need to select one of three designs available, You’ll be required to sign a waiver |
From time to time, we run promotional competitions for our customers and others to participate in.
Key competition details are in the Competition Details
Competition Details for each competition are on our Website and form part of these Comp Conditions.
For example, Competitions last for the Competition Period set out in the Competition Details and Prizes are listed in the Prize Details section of the Competition Details for each Comp.
Valid entries
To have a Valid Entry, you must submit an entry:
…as outlined in the Competition Details.
Our employees (and their immediate families) are ineligible to enter a Competition (because they are so awesome, it would be an unfair advantage).
Disqualified entries
We may disqualify entries from or prevent future participation in competitions by anyone who:
Entering Competitions
Each time you enter a Competition:
to promote the Competition (including the outcome) and our business (as well as the Suppliers’ business if applicable), and (if applicable) publicly announce you as a winner.
See our Privacy Policy for how we manage your personal information in your Region.
We can use your submission
If the Entry Method involves submitting or posting materials (such as a photo or some incredible artwork you’ve created), then you give us a broad permission to modify, reproduce, and publish those materials you submit.
Announcing winners
We announce and publicise winners in line with the Winner Notification information in the Competition Details.
Competition issues and changes
As long as we act reasonably:
Prizes are not transferable, changeable or exchangeable.
Unclaimed Prizes
We will run an Unclaimed Prize Selection if:
We’ll follow the Unclaimed Prize Selection process in the Competition Details to distribute the relevant Prizes, subject to any requirements of a relevant authority.
We notify winners in line with the details in the Unclaimed Prize Selections process in the Competition Details.
So… do you feel lucky?